


(require :iterate)
(in-package :iterate)
(defparameter *coins* '(500 100 50 10 5 1))

;; DRY *coins*
(defun combinations (wallet)
  (labels ((cnt (coin) (or (cdr (assoc coin wallet)) 0)))
    (iter (for c0 from 0 to (cnt 500)) (appending
         (iter (for c1 from 0 to (cnt 100)) (appending
              (iter (for c2 from 0 to (cnt 50)) (appending
                   (iter (for c3 from 0 to (cnt 10)) (appending
                        (iter (for c4 from 0 to (cnt 5)) (appending
                             (iter (for c5 from 0 to (cnt 1)) (collecting
                                  (delete-if (lambda (cons) (zerop (cdr cons)))
                                             `((500 . ,c0) (100 . ,c1) (50 . ,c2) (10 . ,c3) (5 . ,c4) (1 . ,c5)))))))))))))))))

(combinations '((5 . 1) (1 . 1)))       ; => (NIL ((1 . 1)) ((5 . 1)) ((5 . 1) (1 . 1)))
;; (amount '((5 . 1) (1 . 1)))             ; => 6
(defun amount (wallet)
  (iter (for (coin . cnt) in wallet) (sum (* coin cnt))))

(defun change (amount)
  (iter (for coin in *coins*)
        (with cnt)
        (unless (zerop (setf cnt (floor (/ amount coin))))
          (decf amount (* coin cnt))
          (collect (cons coin cnt)))))

;; (change 121)
;; (change 687)

(defun ways-to-pay (amount wallet)
  (let (changed-coins)
    (iter (for combination in (combinations wallet))
          (if (let ((change-amount (- (amount combination) amount)))
                (and (<= 0 change-amount)
                     (iter (for (c-coin . c-cnt) in (setf changed-coins (change change-amount)))
                           (always (null (assoc c-coin combination))))))
              (collect (list :pay combination :change changed-coins))))))

;; (ways-to-pay 101 '((500 . 1) (100 . 2) (1 . 5))) 
;; (combinations '((500 . 1) (100 . 2) (1 . 5)))
(defun count-coins (wallet)
  (iter (for (coin . cnt) in wallet) (sum cnt)))

;; (setq wallet '((500 . 1) (100 . 2) (10 . 1)))
;; (count-coins wallet)

;; wallet: alist
(defun pay (amount wallet)
  (iter (with coins-in-wallet = (count-coins wallet))
        (for way in (ways-to-pay amount wallet))
        (finding way minimizing (+ (- coins-in-wallet
                                      (count-coins (getf way :pay)))
                                   (count-coins (getf way :change))) into min)
        (finally (return (getf min :pay)))))

(pay 147 '((1 . 2) (10 . 4) (100 . 3))) ; => ((100 . 2) (1 . 2))